What is UniQ?

Always looking for new trends, clothing brands and collections. We are UniQ, you are UniQ, every brand is UniQ!
Every brand tells a new story and you have to choose which stories you want to combine to a new story! Why restrict yourself to only one brand?!
You are UniQ, as is every brand. Thats why we give each brand a place online an you get the unique collection which you are looking for. By combining different items from different brands you will create your own unique look! The way our webshop works, will help you with this. Every item is attached to a certain label, which makes it clear which other items fit with the outfit. The clothing which you wear must be an expansion of yourself; what you do, what you stand for and most of all what makes you feel good.
With our online fashion collection you can always gather the nicest outfits to create your unique look!